Uncollegial Tendencies

A Prof, a Bad Attitude, a Blog

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Another FIRE Guide!

After a very very very long delay from the original planned release date, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (a group that gets my support) has (finally) added the Free Speech guide to their collection!

After the atrocious Cal Poly case (which was more of a contemptuous shredding of Due Process, IMHO), it is a welcome addition.

All we need now to complete the collection is the one on "orientation" which will probably need a longer than expected development time, simply due to all the sticky issues that are involved.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

It could have been much worse

As horrible as it was, rotate this sumulation at this link below of the December Tsunami 90 degrees and consider the vunerability of Bangladesh (as has been demonstrated with past Tropical Cyclones).

The simulation is from the International Tsunami Information Center. (It should animate)

Also here is NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory's wave analysis that includes the waves' propogation out to Somalia.

Click to make it big.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Paul Krugman: Trash Novelist

NYT Columnist, and former Enron advisor, comtemplates a partisan political potboiler. Registration Required.

Hypocricy, yes. But is it Art?